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The Juegaterapia Foundation and Rocalba present the "Magic Solidarity Seeds" project to create gardens in pediatric oncology hospitals

With its project "El Jardín de mi Hospi" the Foundation has built 5 gardens since 2013

06/09/2023 Author: Rocalba

The Juegaterapia Foundation, in collaboration with the Rocalba company, has developed a new initiative to improve the day-to-day life of children who are hospitalized for cancer treatment. Under the name of "Magic Solidarity Seeds" they have launched a collection of seed sachets that will help build gardens inside hospitals so that all hospitalized children can play outdoors.

The seed collection consists of a sachet of lavender seeds (aromatic) and another of pansy (flower plant) that will be sold through the Juegaterapia website and at points of sale where Rocalba products are distributed. Its price is €3.95 and the profits from its sale will go to the construction of gardens in hospitals.

The Juegaterapia Foundation has presented the solidarity seeds through an advertising spot made by Raúl Barbolla and dubbed by Sofía, a girl they met when she was receiving cancer treatment in the hospital and now, already recovered, collaborates and participates in all the activities carried out the foundation. In addition, they have the supportive collaboration of The Lobby sound studio.

The project "El Jardín de mi Hospi" was born in 2013 when the Juegaterapia Foundation detected the need for an outdoor space so that children and their families could leave the rooms in a safe space for their health. The Foundation's objective is that medical treatment interferes as little as possible in the development of children and through this project tries to generate a positive impact on their physical and mental health, through play therapy.
With this purpose, they have already built five recreational spaces in the hospitals of La Paz, 12 de Octubre, Gregorio Marañón and Niño Jesús in Madrid and another in La Fe in Valencia. The next hospital where the works will begin soon is the Maternal and Child Hospital of Malaga.

Rocalba is a seed producer and marketer company founded in 1979 with the aim of supplying the national market with seeds for professional agriculture, horticulture and home gardening. In addition to seeds, it has many care products for the orchard and garden.

Rocalba's objective is to align its entire range of products with the values they represent: caring for the environment, biodiversity and contributing to the evolution of society. For this purpose, the company collaborates with non-profit social integration entities creating vegetable gardens and, at the same time, with special employment centers for the disabled where they carry out part of the handling process of some of their products.

About Playtherapy
The Juegaterapia Foundation helps children with cancer through games. It collects video consoles and tablets that people no longer use and distributes them to the pediatric oncology rooms of all Spanish hospitals so that the little ones spend their chemo cycles playing and forget about their illness. In Spain it has already delivered game consoles and tablets to 76 hospitals and also abroad to hospitals in Portugal, Morocco, Colombia, El Salvador, Afghanistan, India, Guinea and Guatemala.