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Biostimulate organic Alga 600

Alga 600 is a 100% natural mineral organic biostimulant derived from the Sargassum seaweed with specific oligosaccharides, alginic acid, hormones, polysaccharides, minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

It is specially designed to prevent physiological disorders, increase production and productive life of the crop. As well as to minimize losses due to water and environmental stress.

Presentation: 1 Kg Bag

Benefits of Alga 600:
In the nursery, higher germination rate, uniform seedlings, strong roots and greater resistance to environmental stress.
Rapid post-transplant recovery and early activation of the root system.
During the vegetative period, greater sprouting, uniformity in the size of internodes, facilitates greater absorption and translocation of nutrients and reserves towards demand sites.
Promotes the normalization of the productive cycle by promoting uniform flowering and avoiding premature or late flowering.
Promotes greater fruit set, formation of grains, tubers, berries, clusters that prepare for uniform filling.
Uniform coloration and size throughout the harvest period, complete grains, stems, roots, and uniform clusters that provide higher yields.
Promotes uniform ripening and concentration of the harvest.


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Biostimulate organic Alga 600

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Biostimulate organic Alga 600