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Acorus calamus

Common name: Aromatic calamus, Sweet sweet

Type:Aquatic plant

Nurseries and wholsalers Acorus calamus:Plantanova


The aromatic calamus ( Acorus calamus ) is one of the two species of the genus acorus belonging to the Family Acoraceae. It is a perennial herbaceous plant with an aquatic character, with lanceolate leaves 2.5 cm wide and 10 cm long, whose stem extends underground in the form of rhizomes with long adventitious, fleshy and strongly aromatic roots.

It produces small 4 mm yellowish-green flowers on a bare spadix.


This grass is ideal for planting on the edge of ponds or in moist areas of the garden. It can be found growing in the wild, alongside streams throughout Asia. Exposure to full sun or semi-shade. High watering, aquatic plant.

Its foliage dies in the fall, once it has turned brown, but remains dry throughout the winter. It can be removed in the spring, when it will be replaced by fresh bright green leaves that are slightly aromatic.

You have to divide the bushes every 3 or 4 years to rejuvenate the foliage.


Propagation can be done by dividing the bush since, normally, it is difficult for the seeds to mature and germinate due to the weather.


Ornamental use, next to ponds and wetlands.


Emerging plantAppropriate planting depth: 0/-20 cmMaximum tolerance to cold: < -1°CHeight: 130-160 cmExposure to full sun