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Search by Roses (38)

Rosa rugosaSee file


Nurseries and wholsalers Rosa rugosa: Plantanova

Rosa sp.See file

Common name: Rose, rosebush

The rose is the world's favorite flower, it is grown in all countries and there are so many species of shapes and sizes that it is almost impossible to make a list of all of them.

Synonyms: Rosa acanthina, Rosa afzeliana, Rosa cinerascens, Rosa dumosa, Rosa laxifolia, Rosa marisensis, Rosa nemophila, Rosa senticosa, Rosa timbaliana, Rosa lutetiana var. senticosa, Rosa canina staxon myrtilloides


Nurseries and wholsalers Rosa sp.: SEMPREFLORA, Vivercid, Vivero las Fresas, Viveros Ángel, Viveros Guzmán, Viveros Taboada

Rosa sp. 'Camelia'See file

Common name: Rosa Camelia

Variety of rose with white flowering reminiscent of camellias


Rosa sp. 'Carla'See file

Common name: Rosal Carla

Variety of hybrid rose bush with soft pink petals with white gradient intensities. It can reach 100 cm in height


Rosa sp. 'Chrysler Imperial'See file

Common name: Rosal Chrysler Imperial

It is one of our classic red varieties, scented. Nice long and voluminous bud, dark red. Large flowers with wide petals, velvety crimson red whose drawback is that they gradually turn purple
